
While still looking “to the ends of the earth,” we also don’t want to overlook the mission field that is right here in Wilmington. As a church, we believe that we are called to live for Christ and his kingdom here in this city. Therefore, we are devoted to four things:

Missionary Mindset

Jesus gave the Church this mission: “As the Father sent me, so I am sending you” (John 20:21). He wants us to see ourselves as missionaries and to model our mission after his. So we make it our aim to equip each Christian to be a missionary where they live, work, and play. Our work matters, our relationships count, and our ordinary lives are full of opportunity.

Community Presence

Just as our Savior “put on flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14), we believe that we are called to embody the good news of salvation in our daily lives and to live our lives among the people of Wilmington. Jesus prayed for his followers to be “in the world, but not of it.” So we constantly challenge Christians to be a visible and positive presence in our community as a witness to Him.

Church Planting

We are committed to being a church that plants churches. Behind this commitment is the conviction that church planting is the best method for reaching new people groups, new generations, and new residents with the message of God’s grace. With each new congregation we hope to become more effective in reaching the growing and diverse Cape Fear region. We envision Christ the King Church becoming a launching pad for several other gospel-driven churches along the east coast of North Carolina.

Ministry Partnerships

We believe partnership with other churches and ministries is essential and good. When we put the kingdom of God ahead of our own agendas and petty differences, we realize that we are all on the same team. We believe that our Lord wants us to express the diversity and the unity of the body of Christ by coming together for the gospel. We view other Christ-centered churches as partners, not competitors.

Some of the local ministries we currently support are:

Lifeline Pregnancy Center

Calvary Christian School Tuition Assistance

Vigilant Hope

El Cuerpo ESL and Medical Clinic Ministry