Mission Statement:
The women’s ministry of Christ The King, exists under the Session, so that all women in every season of life may know Christ personally and endeavor to extend the Kingdom at home, church, workplace, community and world.
Vision Statement:
Our mission is to minister to and equip women through Bible studies, fellowship, in-reach, outreach and other opportunities to develop authentic relationships with Christ and others.
The Women’s Prayer Group meets the first Friday of each month at Holly Burrus’ home from 10-11:30 am.
Upcoming Events
The Wednesdsay morning Bible study will begin September 11th and will be studying Ephesians using a study guide by Lydia Brownback.
The Thursday evening Bible study will begin on September 12th and will be studying the book of Hosea using the book No Empty Words: Relentless Pursuit by Paula Miles.
CTK Women’s Ministry invites all women at CTK ages 18 and up (both members and regular attendees) to come away for a weekend to reflect and be encouraged in your faith and walk with Christ at the Keeping Quiet Hearts Women’s Retreat at Oak Island, November 8-10, 2024.
Proverbs 4:23 “Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.”
In a world of rush and hurry, our hearts can easily be troubled. We long to live out our faith with a sense of joy and peace, but so often, that sense of quiet tranquility eludes us in the clamor and business of everyday life. More often than we realize, our hearts curve in on themselves in a tangle of stress and emotions. The Bible gives us clear guidance on the condition of our hearts and the provision of Jesus Christ as the remedy for our inner turmoil. As we dig deep into what God says in his Word, we learn to discern the worldly influences that threaten to shake our peace and warp our understanding of what it means to be a Christian. As we immerse ourselves in the truths of the Scriptures, we emerge, clinging to Jesus through every season with a quietness of heart, despite the chaos of the world around us.
It will be a wonderful time together enjoying the beauty of God’s creation, against a backdrop of ocean views, filled with meaningful conversations and spiritual refreshment. The schedule will include teaching, discussion, singing and prayer, as well as activities and free time.
There is space for 20 overnight attendees and unlimited Saturday-only attendees. To secure your spot, sign up early. Cost is $125 for the weekend and $65 for Saturday-only attendees. If you would like to stay overnight, but aren’t one of the first 20 to sign up, we will keep a waiting list and notify you if a spot becomes available. Scholarships are available. Click HERE to sign up.
Please see Linda Lawson, Tracy Middleton, Holly Moore, Jill Robinson, Jen Thompson, or Heather Whitley with any questions.
CTK Women’s Ministry invites all women at CTK ages 18 and up (both members and regular attendees) to come away for a weekend to reflect and be encouraged in your faith and walk with Christ at the Keeping Quiet Hearts Women’s Retreat at Oak Island, November 8-10, 2024. Register HERE.
The Women’s Ministry Fitness & Fellowship will start back again on Wednesday, September 18th, from 11:45am-12:45pm led by Leigh Williams. Classes are structured for all levels of physical ability, ages 13 and up, with a focus on safety and encouragement. We will be doing some stretching, low impact aerobics using light resistance training (bring your own light weights & an exercise mat) as well as types of barre workouts.
Women’s Ministry Leaders:
Crystal Friant
Crystal has a heart to see other women grow in their relationship with the Lord. Christ redeemed her in 1998 and since then she has sought to read and understand the Word in order to serve and teach others about Jesus.
Thursday Night Bible Study leaders:
Kara Childs
Kara grew up in Wilmington, NC. She married her high school sweetheart, Nathan, in 1999. They have 2 girls, Kierstin and Kailee, and are happy to be part of the ministry of Christ the King. Kara has worked as a Bookkeeper for her family owned business since 1997. In 2005 she felt called to begin the journey of homeschooling. By God’s grace it’s been a grand adventure. Kara began battling with chronic pain in 2011 and after 2 neck surgeries is limited on much activity. However, she is thankful for a husband that keeps her laughing and the women’s ministry that allows her to serve where she’s able.
Holly Moore
Holly grew up in Hendersonville, NC. She graduated from Erskine College, where she met her husband Blake. They have been married for 27 years.
After working for 26 years at Bonclarken Conference Center, the Lord brought Holly to Wilmington in 2020. By God’s providential hand, Holly and Blake were led to Christ the King and consider it a privilege to serve alongside their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study Leaders:
Sandy Barton
Things I love: Jesus, my husband of 30+ years, my four adult children, and living on the NC coast. Things I enjoy: reading, writing, long conversations, hospitality, gardening, and coastal living. Things I detest: heat, humidity, exercise, and seafood.
Anamarie Pattison
Anamarie grew up in NOVA (Northern Virginia), where she was a member of the local PCA church for more than twenty-five years. By God’s grace she grew up in a Christian home and came to saving faith in Christ at an early age. Since childhood she has been learning to rejoice in her sufferings, knowing that God sovereignly sanctifies His children through the God-ordained trials of this life. Romans 5:3-5 has been particularly encouraging to her. In these verses we are reminded that followers of Christ can “rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”
Anamarie attended Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Georgia where she met, and later married her husband, Tim. She and Tim have five children and have been living in Wilmington for over ten years. It has been an honor and our pleasure to have been a part of Christ the King since its inception. She enjoys reading on several topics, baking (especially when it turns out well), making her own tinctures, foraging for nutrition sake, going to the beach and traveling with the family. Tim serves as an elder and she works with the Wednesday morning women’s Bible study. We enjoy practicing hospitality, especially over a good meal. We hope to get to know you better!